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About us
The Community Energy Union is an interest group bringing together professionals with a wide range of knowledge and experience. The Union was initiated by the Frank Bold expert group and Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth of the Czech Republic.
The membership base consists of representatives of local governments and local action groups, companies and professional associations, and associations from the energy, environmental and construction sectors.
Want to know more about us? Read the information brochure.
We keep our members up-to-date on developments, inform them and prepare positions to advance common goals. The working groups are open to all members.
Legislative Working Group - focuses on advocacy and meeting goals in the form of law amendments and implementing regulations. It also monitors developments at European level and highlights possible lobbying opportunities.
Head: Eliška Beranová, eliska.beranova@uken.cz
Subsidy Working Group - gathers members' requests and experiences and advocates for appropriate conditions and sufficient funding for community energy in subsidy programmes
Leader: Ondřej Pašek, ondrej.pasek@uken.cz
Implementation group - also known as the "know-how" group. This serves for the exchange of experiences of our members and the adoption of good practices. The members of the group share experiences, establish cooperation, search for and analyse different approaches to community energy in other countries, and inform the membership about them.
Leader: Tomáš Jagoš, tomas.jagos@uken.cz
David Blažek
+420 777 493 272
Anna Michalčáková
+420 605 038 162
Domy sobě
Česká spořitelna
Domy sobě help apartment buildings save money. They provide a bespoke and turnkey service, take care of all the paperwork, and calculate how much less you'll pay in energy bills.
Česká spořitelna is the leading bank in the Czech Republic, offering a wide portfolio of products. It sees an opportunity in community energy.
ECM System Solutions
ECM System Solutions, s.r.o. is one of the market leaders in the field of smart energy solutions in Czechia. They develop applications and systems, energy management and operate a cloud-based smart monitoring and resource management system called marfy. Marfy can manage and operate energy communities.